Do you own a metaphysical, witchy brand? How about an astrology blog? Are you an independent professional who offers spiritual services such as Tarot readings?

How Colonialism Erased First Nations’ Beliefs and Religions
Before the arrival of European

How to Work with the Muses in Your Craft
Muses are the most referenced daughters of Zeus. Artists and philosophers call upon Muses when lacking inspiration. They appear several times throughout history, usually when talking about the Arts. And they are, of course, a part of pop culture. However, Muses do not only play an important role for Arts and Philosophy. They also have a significant role in Science, for example, Astronomy, Maths, etc.

Working with Sigils: Sigils for the LGBTQIA+ community
Sigils have been used in magic for centuries. Nowadays, Chaos Magic practitioners have perfected the use of Sigils and use them frequently. However, learning to draw one might seem complicated at first. In this article, we provide an overview of what sigils are and how they are used. In particular, we will provide you with sigils we have made for members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

The Importance of Learning About Herbalism: The Ancestral Knowledge We
Knowledge on medicinal plants is a cultural inheritance that our ancestors have mostly passed on from mouth to mouth throughout human history. There are records of said oral history dating back over 8000 years. And sometimes I wonder how that knowledge managed to live on for so long in each culture. I believe the answer partially lies in how significant this wisdom is in relation to our bodies. A natural resource that cares for us and vice versa.

Samhain 2022 Special: Visiting The Dead As A Witch
How to pay a respectful visit to the Dead, in celebration of Samhain 2022.

World Mental Health Day: Crucial Facts about Mental Health and a Simple Spell for Anxiety
We observe World Mental Health Day. Here are some facts on mental health and a simple spell jar against anxiety you can try.

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If you need to attract new customers for your crystal or metaphysical store witchy-themed jewelry business Astrology or Tarot blog and other related businesses
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We can also build your brand through text and keep your customers loyal.